John Perovich is a Phoenix-based dramaturge, playwright, director, producer, and educator. Previous credits at The Phoenix Theatre Company include dramaturging Americano! and The Belle of Tombstone. Perovich’s plays have been presented throughout Arizona at Brelby Theatre Company, Space 55, B3 Theater, Laughing Pig Theatre, Ronin Theatre Company, and Arizona State University. His play, Spy Love You, received the 2019 ariZoni Theatre Award for Best Original Script. His plays have been selected and presented for multiple years in the Play Lab at Valdez Theatre Conference in Alaska. His next play, Bards & Beasts, will receive a workshop production with Brelby Productions in spring 2023. He is Head of School at Metropolitan Arts Institute, a public charter school focused in the visual and performing arts—and has instructed playwriting at several colleges for over 10 years. Perovich is the Southwest Regional Representative for Dramatists Guild of America.
John Perovich
Dramaturg, Let the Good Times Roll: A New Orleans Gumbo
Dramaturge, Onward and Upward
Dramaturg, The Belle of Tombstone
Dramaturge/Festival Coordinator, The Festival of New American Theatre: The Devil Inside